Shackle Breakers

Picture of Jay Seidle

Jay Seidle

The journey of...
Rediscovering your calling in Christ, finding freedom, and overcoming poor mindsets, bad habits, and life’s challenges.
Delving into honest reflection, inspirational stories, and actionable steps to help you live a life of purpose.Finding the courage and clarity to move forward in this amazing adventure of knowing God and seeking his kingdom.
...all starts here!


Sometimes in life we feel stuck or find ourselves in a rut...Sure we're Christian, go to church, and have a good job and a family, but “something” feels… well? Missing.Where's the abundant life, what am I here for, and why can't I just figure it out?We go through the motions.Settling into 'This is just the way life is.'Forgetting that God has called us to more!Hey there 🙂... I'm JayShackle Breakers was created to help Christians, like you, rediscover your calling in Christ, experience freedom from strongholds in your life, and to overcome poor mindsets, bad habits, and life’s challenges.To live out well - this amazing adventure called life - and live it to the full!I truly believe that once you begin to live intentionally, pursue your God-given calling, and do the work that God has prepared for you to walk in...You will experience a great personal revival!

👆 Follow Here 👆

Every newsletter, YouTube video, and X post is packed with practical tips, targeted action areas, and encouragement to get (and keep) you going.And each is infused with timeless Biblical wisdom.So can I ask you a few questions?Are you tired of feeling dissatisfied with where you are in life?Are you looking to break out of the funk you are in?Do you desire an amazingly authentic and adventurous walk with Christ?Then I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter and YouTube channel and follow me on X (Twitter).I promise you two things: 1) I will not overwhelm your inbox (1 - rarely 2 per week), and 2) you will not regret doing it.The world is waiting for you to share your gifts and calling, and God is looking to and fro to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.Are you ready? Don't wait...I am looking forward to hearing your story and seeing what God might do in your life.Feel free to message me on X (Twitter) or by clicking Contact above.Peace in Him! ✌️


Use this form to message my personal inbox. I will get back to you as quickly as I can but please be patient as it is only me here :). For a quicker response direct message me on X (Twitter) @5hackleBreakers

Shackle Breakers Newsletter

In less than 7 minutes a week...
Discover and pursue your God-given calling
Learn to build strong mindsets
And Live with intentionally - full of purpose and freedom
Open the doors to the most amazing adventure in life!

Picture of Jay Seidle